Developed by Rebellion, the new installment of Sniper Elite, titled Sniper Elite: Resistance, is set to be released on January 30, 2025. It will be available on Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, PC, PS5, and PS4 platforms. Steam store link >>> Recently, Twitter user @Pirat_Nation tweeted, confirming that the Steam version of Sniper Elite: Resistance will utilize D technology. It is reported that while D is considered by many game developers as an effective tool against piracy, its impact has always been a matter of controversy.
In the comment section, one player stated: “What is the point of D? Those who play pirated games never intended to buy the game in the first place. Why do developers think they will suddenly change their ways and satisfy these greedy developers?” Another player remarked, “I will play games on PS5 that use D or are developed with Unreal Engine 5, as it is the only way to achieve a smooth experience.
” Some players have outright stated that they will not purchase the game. What are your thoughts on the controversy surrounding D? Feel free to share your opinions in the comment section. This article is produced and published by gamehiving, and republication is prohibited without permission. For more related information, please follow: Sniper Elite: Resistance.